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Idiom Attack Vol. 1 - Everyday Living (German Edition) 

Angriff der Redewendungen 1 - Alltagsleben: English Idioms for ESL Learners: With 300+ Idioms in 25 Themed Chapters w/ free MP3 at IdiomAttack.com





English Idioms for ESL Learners: With 300+ Idioms in 25 Themed Chapters w/ free MP3 at IdiomAttack.com

Are you confused by common sayings in the English language?
Discover the hidden meanings of English idioms with **300+ Idioms in 25 themed chapters** to help you communicate with confidence.

Are you worried that you’re missing out on the conversation? Do you want to strengthen your English language skills?
As ESL educators, Peter Liptak, Matthew Douma, and Jay Douma have decades of teaching experience across the world. After helping classrooms full of students navigate the treacherous waters of the English language, they’ve created a series of books to help you too!

Idiom Attack 1: Everyday Living (German Edition)
is a densely-packed resource that contains 300+ of the most common and relevant idioms for living, loving and doing business in North America in both English and German. Through Idiom Attack, you’ll discover definitions, contextualized examples, and practice questions. Before you know it, you’ll be using English language idioms in your own everyday conversations like a native English speaker and impressing people with your business English.

In Idiom Attack, you’ll discover:

  • The three-step training process to help you quickly learn new concepts in English with translations in German
  • Easy-to-follow sections separated by topic to help you find exactly what you’re looking for
  • Clear meme-like illustrations to help boost your memorization of idioms and their usage
  • Convenient stories, crosswords, and fill-in-the-blank worksheets at the end of each chapter improve your English retention and conversational abilities
  • A collection of idioms commonly found in the workplace, and much, much more!

Idiom Attack is a must-have tool for ESL learners at intermediate and advanced levels. If you like easy-to-use guides, multi-format approaches to learning, and expert advice, then you’ll love Peter Liptak, Matthew Douma, and Jay Douma’s in-depth look at American idioms.

Buy Idiom Attack to finally take part in the discussion today!

Plus get your free MP3 and more helpful resources at IdiomAttack.com.

Baue deine Englisch-Kenntnisse mit wichtigen Redewendungen für die tägliche Konversation aus - durch einen dreischrittigen Trainingsprozess, durch den du mit Redewendungen vertraut wirst und sie täglich effektiv einzusetzen lernst!

  • Stocke deinen Wortschatz mit 300 wichtigen Redewendungen auf!
  • Mach dich bereit für 25 Themen mit alltäglichen Redewendungen!
  • Lerne schnell durch ein Trainingsprogramm in drei Schritten!


Redewendungen zieren die tägliche Konversation englischer Muttersprachler in verschiedenartiger Hinsicht. Eine Redewendung ist ein Ausdruck, in dem zwei oder mehr Wörter zusammenkommen, um eine einzigartige Bedeutung zu kreieren, die sich von der der einzelnen Wörter unterscheidet. Da die Wortkombination Nicht-Muttersprachlern sonderbar vorkommen wird, ist es ziemlich schwierig für Ausländer, Redewendungen zu erlernen. Wenn es dein Ziel ist, die englische Sprache zu erobern, musst du die Redewendungen bezwingen (bevor sie dich angreifen).

Dieses Buch beinhaltet über 300 häufig gebrauchte Redewendungen, die in 25 thematischeKapitel unterteilt sind. Es handelt sich um Schlüsselthemen englischer Konversation, die im Alltag und Wirtschaftsleben benutzt werden, um Handlungen zu beschreiben und Emotionen auszudrücken. Jedes Kapitel führt 10-15 Redewendungen ein. Die Bedeutung jeder Redewendung wird sowohl auf Englisch als auch auf Deutsch erklärt. Beispielsätze helfen beim Verständnis und Gebrauch der Redewendungen. Um deine Fähigkeiten noch zu vertiefen, beinhaltet dieses Buch in jedem Kapitel eine Geschichte, die die eingeführten Redewendungen verwendet.

Schritt 1. Die Bedeutung der Redewendungen mithilfe des Deutschen kennen lernen

Leite die Bedeutung der in die deutschen Sätze eingefügten Redewendungen ab, und dann sieh nach, wie sie in den englischen Beispielsätzen verwendet werden. Dies ist eine einfachere und effektivere Methode, deren Bedeutung und Gebrauch zu erlernen. Darüber hinaus werden die Redewendungen in den deutschen Sätzen verwendet, damit du dich leicht an sie erinnern kannst.

Schritt 2. Den Gebrauch der Redewendungen durch Lückentexte festigen

Festige die Bedeutung der Redewendungen zusätzlich, indem du die Lücken in den beigefügten Sätzen ausfüllst. Eine nachfolgende Übersetzung und ein oder zwei hinweisende Wörter in der Redewendung ermöglichen es dir, die Sätze einfach zu vervollständigen und dich mit den Redewendungen vertraut zu machen.

Step 3. Die Benutzung der Redewendungen mithilfe der Kurzgeschichte üben

Jede der kurzen, aber interessanten Geschichten ermöglicht es dir, zu verstehen, wie die Redewendungen in alltäglichen Situationen benutzt werden. Du kannst deine Kenntnisse verbessern und sogar anfangen, wie ein Muttersprachler zu klingen, indem du die Geschichte übst und die Fragen beantwortest.

Buy Idiom Attack to finally take part in the discussion today!

Plus get your free MP3 and more helpful resources at IdiomAttack.com.


AUTHOR(S): Peter N. Liptak, Matthew Douma, Jay Douma

PUBLISHED BY: an imprint of Exile Press on 20110414

EAN: 9781936342211

ISBN: 9781936342211


ELS-ELT self-study texts
CJBT-Language phrasebooks,CJ-Language teaching & learning
ESL,american idioms,business idioms,english idioms,learn english,English as a Second Language,dictionary,german english,english conversation,english idiom,idioms,english expressions,idioms and phrases,english phrases,idiom meaning,idioms definition,idiom dictionary


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Swim with the natives without fear of an “Idiom Attack”
• Add 300 key idioms to your arsenal!
• Be ready for 25 topics with day-to-day idioms!
• Learn quickly with a three-step training process!
Bewege dich unter den Muttersprachlern ohne Angst vor einem “Angriff der Redewendungen”
• Stocke deinen Wortschatz mit 300 wichtigen Redewendungen auf!
• Mach dich bereit für 25 Themen mit alltäglichen Redewendungen!
• Lerne schnell durch ein Trainingsprogramm in drei Schritten!

Upgrade your English skills with idioms essential for daily conversation through a three-step training process that lets you to become familiar with and effectively use idioms every day!
Baue deine Englisch-Kenntnisse mit wichtigen Redewendungen für die tägliche Konversation aus - durch einen dreischrittigen Trainingsprozess, durch den du mit Redewendungen vertraut wirst und sie täglich effektiv einzusetzen lernst!

A born-and-bred mid-western boy, Peter Liptak is a poet, world traveler, avid cyclist, and lover of language. Unlike most English majors, he actually made use of his degree teaching English to children and adults in South Korea over the last 20 years, as a private tutor, preschool teacher, and adjunct professor at Incheon University and eventually creating the publishing company Exile Press with its imprints Little Bear Books and Hungry Dictator Press.

Exploring his interests at the University of Minnesota, from the wonders of Astronomy and Anthropology to Philosophy and Poetics, Peter learned new skills as a preschool teacher, waiter, dance instructor and massage therapist in school and has worked as an actor, teacher, copywriter and author since. While working and living in Seoul, Peter completed a Master's in Korean History, and using Korea as a source of inspiration, linguistic and otherwise, penned several books including the controversial book of Korean Slang: As much as a Rat's Tail, translated the scathing graphic novel The Great Successor - Kim Jong Un: a Political Cartoon, created the Idiom Attack series of ESL textbooks as well as passion projects including an Art/Poetry book called Letters: Building an Alphabet with Art and Attitude and a series of children's early readers about the lovable Teddy LeBear, including Teddy's Day and Teddy's Camp. Now living in Minneapolis with his three little ones and lovely wife, Peter continues publishing various works, while pursuing copywriting at The Writer’s Ink, and does web development, video marketing and lead generation for various local businesses through his new business Leadgen Legends.

Peter loves to say "Woo Hoo!" and knows that the simple experiences in life hold the greatest adventures. You can follow Peter at www.peteliptak.com or petespoetry.com

2016 International Book Awards Gold Medal for Letters
2016 Illustration Award & Bronze Medal for The Great Successor
2016 Benjamin Franklin Awards: Silver Medal for Korean Slang: As much as a Rat’s Tail
2014 Korea Literature Translation Institute Grant: for the collected works of North Korea poet Baek Seok
2013 Benjamin Franklin Digital Awards: Silver Honoree for Teddy's Day HD
2012 Mom's Choice Awards: Gold Medals in Young Adult Poetry and Interactive eBooks for Letters and Teddy’s Day HD
2012 Mom's Choice Awards: Silver Medals in Children's Picture Books for Teddy’s Day and Teddy’s Camp
2011 Midwest Book Awards: First Place in Children's Illustrated ebooks for Teddy's Day
2001 Underwood Fellowship: Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies



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"Woo Hoo!

5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome book!
"I've studied Japanese for years, and my high school adopted a program where they get a Japanese person (1 a year) to help teach the class and expose us to real Japanese. My teacher got this book to help the assistants figure out what we were saying in English! It's just like our regular textbooks, but sooooo much more useful! I've gone over some of the stuff in here with our assistant teacher and she's getting more comfortable with English, just like I am with Japanese!"

5.0 out of 5 stars Great for Classroom Use!
A very good tool. My friend used this in Spain while teaching English, and she said the students began using idioms whenever they could squeeze them into a sentence. It provides great example sentences, and you can easily turn the book into a lesson plan or create flashcards from it. English learners and English teachers alike should have these books.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Tool June 1, 2017
It’s a very useful book. I like the many examples and the good organization of the book; it’s easy to read and learn from. The color makes it stick out from other textbooks, too. I would recommend this series to anyone learning English. It really helps you understand everyday English phrases.

5.0 out of 5 stars This is a great learning tool June 1, 2017
This is a great learning tool. Not only does it provide multiple examples of these idioms in English sentences, it also has fill in the blanks and crosswords to help you learn how to use them. These exercises and the CD make the book stick out (look, an idiom). This means you see the idioms, you hear them, and you practice using them. I’m glad there’s a second book to this one.

4.0 out of 4 stars A good source for intermediate speakers July 11, 2019 - Illios
Idiom Attack 1 Everyday Living takes a closer look at a field of studies that rarely gets the recognition it deserves in traditional language learning materials. By providing insight into 300 idioms mainly used in North America, the book makes an impressive effort to help students understand and master figurative speech and expressions used in daily conversation.

Idiom Attack Vol. 1 - Everyday Living (German Edition) : Angriff der Redewendungen 1 - Alltagsleben
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Idiom Attack Vol. 1 - Everyday Living (German Edition) : Angriff der Redewendungen 1 - Alltagsleben

SKU: IA1 German 9781936342204
Disponibilidad: In stock
Product Form:
Ahorras $-19.95


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